Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Calling and fishing

Mark doesn't let any back story get in the way here- Jesus is strolling along (probably more purposeful) the lake and sees Simon and Andrew about their work and gives them the option of a career change.

and Jesus said to them, Deute opisw mou, kai poisw umas genesthai halieis anthropwn
Come after me and I will make you to become (aorist infinitive) fishers of men. Wonder how much significance that has- I will make you to become fishers of men- aorist inf. meaning its a once of becoming when it happens- so once Jesus has made them to become fishers of men – this is what they will remain. I want to be one of those- and continue to be that.

...kai euthus they left their nets and followed him. Things do happen pretty quickly in Mark- so you don't get some of the background provided by John which shows that these men already knew Jesus- nor the story in Luke where Peter is fishing and Jesus tells him to go out again- and he replies Go away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man! Then Jesus said to Simon, Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pullled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed him.

There is a sense where Mark's brevity is almost a little dishonest. - Jesus walks along the lake – sees these fishermen, calls them and they follow, but more like- Jesus had already had dealings with these men- then on this day sees them out fishing tells them to go back out- they do, though not without telling him in won't do any good- they were professionals- they knew how these things work- but there was respect from them towards this Nazarean teacher/ man- then they are met face up with a miracle (as fishermen they should know) and here Peter responds – go away- too good for me- and Jesus makes him an offer he can't refuse.

Still perhaps is Mark it brings the result into stark relief? (can I say that). Immediately they left their nets and followed him- they left everything- livelihood (and claims on a normal family life) and followed...

We've got a house now- (and a bed we can't sleep on- but good quality) two cars at the moment, a dream of travelling around different parts of the world next year...
How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven- easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven...
Didn't work for the house- gift.
Have to hold these things lightly and rightly.
Jesus I want to follow you.

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