Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My sister can't be God, for we have shared an unearthly burp together

Here, the disciples and Jesus family (and also the people he grew up with), have an advantage. They got to share life with him, to see unguarded moments, to share in the talk of the table, or wherever they were eating that night. -To see him in a more balanced way than many of the crowd. It is an incredibly hard idea to get your head around, to be both human and divine. Not many try to claim it- and virtually none on the scale Jesus did; not just divine, but the Almighty God who created the universe. Those that come close, such as the Roman Emperors, people in mental institutions and perhaps Hindu gurus, usually have a massive credibility gap. People who have lost their minds can be ruled out straightaway- the other two groups (Empire divinity, and religious belief divinity) have some humility in their arrogance, and do not claim to be the God of all. They are gods, among other gods. They are usually proved all too human- the Roman Emperors with their sordid excesses, the son of the Hindu guru's testimony in Sadhu Singh's book. If you spend enough time (a few days or less would usually do it), rubbing shoulders with them, seeing them in unguarded moments, you'd have damning evidence against their case for divinity.

Jesus mother and his brother's and sister's come to believe he is the Yahweh who has been interacting with their people Israel for 2000 years. -Not without a struggle, as evidenced by their coming to take him in hand when his popularity first exploded. And this is not surprising- it is such a big idea. If you apply it to your own family you know it can't work. For a start, there's the primary relationship; no that can't be, because you are my sister or brother. Then there's the massive fact of their humaness, built up of all the shared life you have spent. In particular, this fact precludes divinity. How many examples could I give of Kylie's and Ainslie's falleness (I suspect they could find more for me- but I am older). But even all those sweet moments you share- the family joke, the unearthly burp somewhere past Albury, being there after kids come into the world- sit there as this strong testimony against the other being divine- it has been such a joy to be human together.

So, whereas many people in the story at this point are struggling to get a grip on Jesus because of all the miracles, his family are coming from the opposite direction, struggling to reconcile the brother or the son they know and grew up with, with these wonders and crowds. It was probably playing with the disciples heads as well- or perhaps starting to. Jesus was so human.