Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Early morning

and prwi early in the morning while it was still very dark- went out to a deserted place and prayed.
Even though just taken 8 pages to muse on this- still close to the beginning. We're hearing what Jesus is up to in this public undertaking- people have been amazed at his authority- the demons have quailed and obeyed, sick people have been cured. he's based at Capernaum at the moment- and now he's off praying before anyone else is up- I think that is significant- a discipline (necessity?) that I struggle with- but if you want to enjoy deep communion with the father- walk in step- follow strongly...
It's not a desert retreat (I suppose he's had one of those of sorts)- not sitting crosslegged on a mountain contemplating- immediately followed by action, perhaps even an expansion or next stage of the mission- out into Galilee- obedience and maybe just being, has to lead into action at some point- a pharasaical faith cops his fury. Not action for the sake of it however- somehow springing from early morning time with the father- a setting of priorities- listening for what these priorities are.. How did this time go? We don't have much to go on- Jesus outburst when the 70 return “At that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thankyou, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, father for such was your gracious will- then he moves on to saying something about his relationship with the father and still I imagine with great joy turns to the disciples and tells them how big and good it is what they have been let in on. Abba Father... Why have you forsaken me? Pray like this...our father. TR Glover suggests we should perhaps go no further in this prayer until we've got some idea of Jesus conception here- let his close knowledge of the Father ground our own.

Even with the scant information we have can probably work out a lot. There's reverence- Jesus knows the father- and if you do I imagine you are not glib- perhaps something in this with the demon's repsonse- the holy one of god (I think at the crucifixion that has gone- and there's jeering and belittling, but they here may be still held by the knowledge of Jesus person- may hate it and wish it wasn't – but it illicits a certain (high) level of respect.
Mixed with the reverence- closeness and the freedom to call the lord of heaven and earth, dad. There's honesty too- that functions with the reverence- my God, my God why have you forsaken me- right now I cannot see the goodness? of this present situation – but when you combine that with psalm 22- with the despair, trust in his goodness.

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