and simon and those with him? hunted him down – seek out, in a good sense- I wonder here if the reason we get Simon and his companions hunting for him, is because this is Peter's remembrance, with Mark writing that down... So how Mark would have heard the story (probably many times..) would be – I or we- got up and noticed Jesus was missing so I went out with the others to seek him out.
They come to Jesus with news (charming news if you were an introvert) everyone is looking for you- so they weren't the only ones out hunting- quite a buzz in the town.
Let us go to the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” eis touto gar exelthon- for this purpose I came out- exelthon is interesting- is that coming from Nazareth- would seem to make sense.
Jesus has a very clear objective in mind- he doesn't overly try to persuade people- or provide too much hand holding- at various times he actually forces the issue- decide now- are you with me or not. - What does that mean for evangelism? I felt slightly uncomfortable at the recent meeting for a camp I'll be a leader at for kids from troubled backgrounds- they give them a really good experience- have a couple of talks, then an altar call type of thing at the end (the gospel talk calling for a response) they are years 6 to 8 kids. I'm not sure if that's quite right- it doesn't give them a lot of time to really digest what this is about- they are coming from hard places- they are still formulating all sorts of things- is there a slight hysteria here to get people into the kingdom? Jesus does however make this sort of need for decision very clear to people- makes it clear then leaves it to them...
They said half the girls on the last camp made 'decsions'- I wonder how much they made them? and in 10 years time how many will have made the decision- it seems like a fairly shallow (flippant?) way to go about informing people of such a serious undertaking- joyful- all pervading...
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