Sunday, June 6, 2010

Response to success- 6:46

Perhaps another part of the sending them off before him, was his need to spend time alone with the Father. After he had taken his leave of the crowds, he goes into the hills to pray. Seems a pretty good response to 'success'. Feeding 5000 people is pretty miraculous. Two nights ago I had another panel appearance at church- some of the answers I gave, I thought were good- I had prayed beforehand, and then you have the event- the fluidness of the present, filled with possibilities, a mixture of a whole lot of things- the reading I have done, the people I've sat under, the experiences I've had- and a whole lot of other people with the same process going on, and the Spirit in and amongst. Thought I expressed something of Jesus mission- the Kingdom has come- we can experience something of God's future rule now- and now is what is important. Then I went to young adults group (I'm officially too old this month) and thought I directed things (not that I was officially leading) in good directions- what has been happening with you and God in the last month- the present story of you and the spirit rather than 'not that recent' testimonies. And I was thankful as I walked away from the study than night, that I'd been used in service- or had given a good service. It wouldn't have surprised me if there were some people that night in both places who were thankful for my contribution. And I'd say there is a danger in this moment. It is good to feel well utilised and that you have made a difference, or perhaps just done the Father's will- perhaps you can even accept a small 'well done faithful servant' from the spirit- but in the next moment I imagine we should think of Romans 12 or Luke 17- to have a sane estimate of ourselves and remember that we are servants- what else would we do- We shouldn't presume to sit down with the master and have some mutual admiration time- its inappropriate- doesn't fit with how things are- “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty”.
Perhaps this was the main thing going on for Jesus at this time- a keen awareness of the strong tendency of man to be a glory hound. A determination to keep things in perspective. As John shows so well- a preoccupation and delight to do the Father's will above all else.

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