Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lack of affronted dignity- 7:31

Back in the region of the Decapolis. It was here Jesus healed a creepy tomb wandering man, who was so strong he broke chains and couldn't be contained. Jesus wouldn't allow him to follow him, but told him to go back into the villages of the Decapolis and tell the people what the Lord had done for him. And unlike some people who ignored Jesus instructions after they had been healed, this man did it- 'and everyone was amazed'. By this stage the people of the Decapolis would have heard different reports about Jesus from a number of sources. Nearly the whole of Palestine must have known by Jesus now- the rumours meeting Herod's ears, the reports circulating back to the Sanhedrin, the mass of people who had heard and seen Jesus in action. In a world with no mass media, it doesn't get much bigger than this on a provincial national scale. And along with these different lines of communication is added the testimony of the man who once called himself 'legion'. For some he may have acted a bit like a fore runner.

It doesn't seem to take long after Jesus arrives in the region for a crowd to form, and for people to bring a deaf man who spoke with difficulty and was almost deaf (Z &G). Jesus takes him away from the crowd and heals him.

At this point he seems to have a bad day teacher moment- 'Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it.' There's something slightly reassuring about this. I have had many situations in teaching or looking after kids, where I've had these sort of situations. It's good to know Jesus in his togetherness (no one else comes close to a proper togetherness), has shamozzles like this in his experience. On the flip side, its not something I like; giving directions and having them ignored, and there's a part of that where that's fair enough- it is necessary for students to obey a teacher, otherwise its not going to work- but there's another part where I take it as a personal affront, and I suspect more than I need to- a bit touchy about my own dignity. Jesus gives many amazing displays of not being touchy about his own dignity- though he is the God of the universe, the promised Messiah, the embodiment of God's love for Israel. His 'do you know who I am' type moments, are never given in that affronted dignity way. -If you knew who I am, you'd ask for living water... But who do you say that I am?.... You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above... Father forgive them they know not what they do...

Slightly different vibe- but still not affronted dignity,
I tell you that one greater than the temple is here...
and now one greater than Jonah is here..
and now one greater than Solomon is here...

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