Monday, March 29, 2010

Another haunting- 5:1-20

You can have demon possessed pigs. The demons released from the man, go into the pigs and send the herd of 2000 mad- they rush down a steep embankment into the sea and drown- the destructive nature of the demonic. The swine herds are probably terrified- in all their years looking after pigs, they've never seen anything like this (who then is this?) Their story is pouring out of them wherever they go (are we into evening now?) Do the people come to check it out the next day? Or are we still in the evening? They see this creepy man that could not be restrained, sitting there sane with Jesus – and they are afraid. The before was scary enough- but in a strange way it was known. But the after... what effected that... its like a storm that becomes still... its not natural... it was beyond their understanding and it would seem experience- demon possession on this level, perhaps didn't just get cured... and the swine – some of them had seen them rush headlong into the sea- others heard of it happening and saw the former demon possessed man sitting there calmly.
Another haunting. Too much for the people of the Gerasenes- they come and begin to beg/exhort/ beseech (parakalein) Jesus to 'go away' from their territory/ district- NRSV neighbourhood. - You are too scary to have in our backyard. That sort of power is too confronting. That unknowness is too much for us to live with. Probably a wiser response than a luke warm one. Certainly one I think the disciples could relate to- they could have shared a story or two with those who came out to see- 'you think that's bad, let us tell you what just happened to us.' And perhaps after that whole experience some of them weren't all that far away from such a response- you are too much for me- you are far too confronting to have so close- I don't want you in my backyard or in my boat.
But if they had such thoughts, they don't act on them, they stay 'with' him, they stay on this venture, where things just seem to get bigger and less contained the more they know. They learn in a way perhaps the author of the words didn't, 'the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom'.
Reflecting that this is what is missing from the Salvo's Christianity explained feast thing. Coming from a perspective that a panel member expressed- 'I think God has a strongly feminine side, and he created us so that he had lots of children to love and look after'. The disciples weren't feeling that sort of love at this particular time. Sure there are images in the bible that justify such an understanding- Jesus looking upon Jerusalem and sighing and saying how many times he longed to gather them to him like a hen gathers her chicks- but if you stop there you've only got the elephants tail- Grandma God sitting there clucking over everything- And there are plenty of images in the bible that start to give a more complete picture- Isaiah in the throne room, Ezekiel with his psychadelic terrifying images, Moses who couldn't see God's face because that would have destroyed him- and just seeing his back and being in his presence was enough to make his face glow so that the rest of the Israelites were afraid to come near him, Jesus calming the storm, the scene in revelation with the multitudes around the throne.
Still, I suppose the Salvation Army has an empathy with the recovering sinner/ alcoholic/ former prisoner- can rejoice with them that they have been released. But released to what- to be mollycoddled by Grandma God? (at times something akin to this I'm sure- but more like Father God) – but this is just a stage to a more complete restoration and beyond.
The man who had the demons wants to go with Jesus – the same word (parakalei) is used of his asking as the demons asking to go into the pigs- he beseeches, begs Jesus “in order that he might be with him”. He has been released and is grateful for it and wants to learn from this man who has released him- but Jesus sends him straight away, he refuses and says to him, “go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you.” - the nest is not a place for you – you have an experience of the divine to go and share- He does and “everyone was amazed”. Jesus responds to the fearful request to leave- but he leaves this man to go in his stead- who was known in the region – but now would be known for a further and better reason- a living testimony to redemption that the people of the decapolis could accept or not.
God wants us to grow up- and is all about giving us opportunities for that to happen.
I managed to download some podcasts yesterday (have entered into a technological realm where I have never been before), Laurie was making the point the centre of Jesus message was not personal salvation and a ticket to heaven, that that is certainly there, but the centre is that the kingdom has come- this future reality has entered into the present- will you align yourself with this, let it enter you – give yourself up to it, be a leaf on the tree that helps nourish the tree- perhaps helps others to breathe- be wholly available for God's purposes.

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