Saturday, March 20, 2010

Parables again- 4:33-34

“With many such parables he spoke the word to them...” Interesting that it is called the 'word'- I suppose something like the message. BDAG has,1, a communication whereby the mind finds expression, word a, of utterance, chiefly oral... (oratorical ability plus exceptional performance were distinguishing marks in Hellenic society, hence the frequent association of logos and ergon (deed)...)
...”as they were able to hear”. A statement which could seem to contradict why Jesus said he talked in parables. He wants people to hear- recognises that many wont – and does this say something about a knowledge of how to hold a crowd- not to go too far- say enough to pique curiousity. The crowds were flocking- and at times they stayed three days listening to him- what's the mix for most people? There are the miracles- but there's more to it than that. When he first spoke- what is this a new teaching and with authority. And whether Mark had any of the above understanding of 'word' in mind when writing, Jesus must have exhibited this (oratorical ability plus exceptional performance).
And he had this interesting message (word). A nation with a history of seers who spoke strange utterances- mouthpieces for the Master of the Universe- and here was someone who to the crowds had that sort of whiff. And then there is the character of the Galileans- ready to rally to a leader who would oppose the hated Romans. Is part of the crowds response trying to feel him out? John 6:66, interesting in the light of this- a point where many decided he had gone too far- was too radical for them- and the attraction wore off.

Once again Mark tells us (sort of summing up this last parable/ teaching section) that Jesus only spoke to the crowds in parables. - is this just in this instance or wider in his teaching? The sermon on the Mount is not particularly parables- although at the start at least it is to his disciples- though he has gone up the mountain because he saw the crowds (I wouldn't imagine the crowds remained a respectful distance as he did this).

The disciples got a private explanation of everything- certainly more is being given them. - he wants them to know, understand, hear, see- and ultimately because he wants them to do and to be.

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